Saturday, April 27, 2013



National Achievers Congress (NAC) 2013 (Singapore)
Introductory Video


As you know, just like last year, we won't be releasing any free tickets. In fact, we have people asking us how come we charge so little for a ticket with the line up of speakers that we have this year!
Don't wait till the last minute to save yourself a seat. SIGN UP NOW AND ENJOY 15% DISCOUNT FOR GENERAL AND VIP TICKET
To Your Success!
P.S. With less than a month to go to the event, our seats are filling fast! Reserve your place today to avoid disappointment. Sign up here today with your
15% off promo code:SR15


National Achievers Congress (NAC) 2013 (Singapore)
Full Speaker Line Up

The event that's too small for the size of your dreams...

We're proud to present the full speaker line up for this year's National Achievers Congress in Singapore!
Speaker Line up for NAC 2013
As you can see, the National Achievers Congress is much, much more than "an audience with" Sir Richard Branson. While you will definitely benefit from hearing firsthand as he answers your questions with insights from his entrepreneurial experiences, there's so much you will miss at the National Achievers Congress if you only intend to be there JUST for him.

You'll miss the sharing of ideas from high profile, home grown and international speakers who have turned their passion into success. You'll miss the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals. You'll miss hearing about low risk, high return, investment strategies in Real Estate, stocks, and Forex.

Over 3 packed days you’ll be exposed to the world's most cutting-edge ways for getting results now - and in the future. Ideas that are sure to accelerate your wealth and success plan.
  • Critical skills known only to the top 1% of successful entrepreneurs
  • How to leverage the hottest property booms around the world
  • Breakthrough strategies to generate cashflow online
  • The most reliable ways to get consistent profits from the stock markets
  • Wealth creation systems you can implement immediately
If you want your business positioned for success, your income supported by a wealth of investments, and your personal mindset tuned for the highest levels of performance, you need to be at The National Achievers Congress from 10-12 May 2013.
Register Here
To Your Success,
PS. The National Achievers Congress is a sold out event all over the world and we're down to just a handful of VIP seats. If you want to attend as a VIP, now's the best time


National Achievers Congress (NAC) 2013 (Singapore)
Why Do You Need To Attend?

The Secret to Living is Giving

The euphoria of the holiday season and New Years is starting to fade, the reality of going back to work and getting back in the grind is sinking in. But one question we have to ask is: Looking back at 2012, are you any closer to your dreams now compared with the year before? Have you made any plans to change your life for the better?

If you have no clear answer, feel direction-less, or are simply unmotivated to do the things you need to do, we want to do all we can to help you get to where you want to be at this year's National Achievers Congress 2013.

Every building needs a strong foundation and this year, we want to start by laying the groundwork to create your amazing life. It doesn't matter if you're young or old, just starting out or experienced, there's always something you will learn at the National Achievers Congress that will nudge you ever closer to the life you desire.

Our keynote speaker is Sir Richard Branson, a man who started from being a "virgin" in business but now whose brand has made its mark in almost every industry (even space!). You'll learn how he made that leap of faith into the unknown and how you can follow in his entrepreneurial spirit.
Most of us are familiar with the bestselling book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki. But most of us don’t know that Keith Cunningham is THAT Rich Dad. He'll be happy to help you solidify the foundation for your business - or getting started if you've ever considered it.
The process of building a strong foundation is tough, takes a lot of effort and time. And most people don't have the patience or tenacity for it. That's why most people fail. Les Brown is one person who overcame the ordeal of being abandoned as a child, mistakenly and labelled "educably mentally retarded" to be a top Motivational Speaker, Speech Coach, and Best-Selling Author. He says, "If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you."
And that's our hope for you this year. Not to help you make more plans you will never truly work on, but to help you turn your life around and take you places that will amaze you!

Warmest Regards,

PS. Haven't you procrastinated on your dreams long enough? How long more will you wait to take action on what could be something that will change your life? Sign up for the National Achievers Congress right now !


National Achievers Congress (NAC) 2013 (Singapore)
What Les Brown Has To Say

National Achievers 2013
Dear Friend,

How long will it take before you start living your most deeply held dreams? Do you even have a dream? How clear is it? How do you intend to reach it? What obstacles stand in your way?

As one of the world's most renowned speakers, Les Brown knows the path to achieving your dream is never clearly marked out and the road is never smooth. In elementary school little Les Brown was mistakenly declared, "Educable mentally retarded." However, his tenacity, belief in his ability, and choice to take action created opportunities for him to rise from the position of sanitation worker to broadcast station manager, political commentator and multi-term state representative in Ohio.

He has spoken to audiences as large as 80,000 from Denmark to Dubai, Canada to the Caribbean, earning accolades such as the National Speakers Association prestigious Golden Gavel Award for achievement and leadership in communication and one of Toastmasters International's Top Five Outstanding Speakers Worldwide.
You've Got to be Hungry. You Have to be Hungry for Opportunity. Accept Challenges.
Les didn't wait for things to get better before moving ahead. His advice to us? If you're serious about success; you need to start taking action today. If you're waiting for things to be perfect, you'll wait forever and nothing will ever get done.

The way to achieve is to do what you can, where you are, with what you have. It's easy to think up excuses for not taking action. "If only I had more hours in the day. If only I had a better job. If only I could meet the right person." But excuses won't bring you anything of value. You've got to change your "if only" into an "I will." "I will make better use of my time. I will work on improving my career. I will create and nurture my relationships."

Les Brown's life is a testament to his message that there is greatness in all of us and with proper guidance and training you can begin achieving the things you desire now! He's looking forward to meeting you at the National Achievers Congress. You can take the first step towards living your dreams TODAY by taking action and signing up for the National Achievers Congress HERE.
To Your Success,

PS. Don't let your "if only's" stop you from achieving the life you were meant to have. Say "I will" to signing up for this year's National Achievers Congress.


National Achievers Congress (NAC) 2013 (Singapore)
What's Your Road To Success Paved With 

What's your road to Success Paved with? NAC 2013

Dear Friend,

Success. It means so many different things to so many different people. Some see it as having a highly-paid, secure job. Some see it as owning a business. Some see it as having a fancy car or a nice house. Some see it as having a lasting marriage, great kids, or living a healthy lifestyle.

Unfortunately, our steady diet of success books, videos and courses has created a hunger for instant gratification and immediate results. We get excited when we hear about a pill to lose weight here, a get-rich-quick scheme there; we want success and we want it NOW!

Success doesn't come just because we want it badly enough. It's more like constructing a skyscraper. The tallest towers are built on firm foundations driven deep into the ground. They're supported by pillars throught the structure. This process takes years, backed by a team of engineers and architects. If we apply the quick-fix, rapid-fire model to construction, we're looking at imminent collapse. We don't want this to happen...
What we do want is to provide you the resources for your long-term happiness and fulfillment. At the National Achievers Congress we've assembled a fantastic team of architects and engineers for your life so you can have the success you dream of.
Les Brown

World's Leading Motivational Speaker
"Hungry for Opportunity"
Les Brown is one of the world’s most renowned and highly sought after motivational speakers, who for decades has inspired audiences all over the world to step into their greatness.

His course of amazing achievements from sanitation worker to broadcast station manager to state representative in Ohio is testament of his tenacity. His life speaks this message - with proper guidance and training anyone achieve the things they desire.

Les will stoke your hunger to seek out business deals and investment opportunities and inspire you to take full advantage of them with boldness and confidence.
Rob Riopel

World Class Trainer and Success Coach
"Pursuing Success or Just Running in Circles?"
Robert Riopel started out as a driver for a pizza business. His entrepreneurial spirit saw him rise through the ranks to store manager, and eventually owner of a chain of stores. But the problem was he spent money faster than he earned it. In 8 years, he was over $150,000 in debt.

He came across the teachings of T. Harv Eker, applying what he learned and turned his financial life around. Within nine months, he was financially free and retired by age 32. Rob wants to help you to, like him, may find your passions and be able to live your life financially free; with purpose, success and joy.


Self Leadership Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker
"Self-leadership as a Strategy for Success"
Andrew Bryant comes with a wealth of knowledge and experience in developing global and Asian leaders and leadership teams. He is known for his constructive realism, energy and sense of humor.

His varied backgrounds in physiotherapy, neuro-semantics, positive psychology, hypnosis, organizational behavior, leadership and even traditional Chinese medicine gives him a unique insight into what makes the difference in performance.

Andrew will apply his collective knowledge and experience to help you deliver results to your bottom line whilst increasing your individual and team's performance.
Our speakers are dedicated to laying the groundwork for your future:
  • Find your passion and live your life with purpose, success and joy.
  • Develop the hunger to seek out opportunities with boldness and confidence.
  • Lead yourself to see tangible results in your business and career.
Whether you desire success in your business, wealth, or personal life (or ALL of the above), understand that you will only attain it if you take the time to grow yourself large enough to handle it. Our expert life-planners at the National Achievers Congress are here to help. But only if you willing to trust the process here.
Register Now
To Your Success!
P.S. While there's no shortcut to success, you can accelerate it by learning from the experiences of others - and we've got the best right here at the National Achievers Congress. Sign up here and renew your commitment to your success!


National Achievers Congress (NAC) 2013 (Singapore)'s Speaker Topics

Business Development

  • "Like a Virgin: Secrets They Never Teach in School" 
    Richard Branson - Entrepreneur Extraordinaire and CEO of Virgin Group
  • "20/20 Investment Foresight - The Keys to Unlock and Ignite Your Business" 
    Keith Cunningham - Foremost Authority on Business Mastery
  • "The Most Underestimated and Effective Vehicle for Driving Your Marketing" 
    Gerry Robert - Bestselling Author, Mentor and International Speaker
  • "Powerful & Effective Presentation Tactics for Business" 
    Andy Harrington - The World's Leading Public Speaking Expert
Wealth Creation
  • "A Investment-Fueled Income For Life – Guaranteed!" 
    Courtney Smith - History-Making Stock Market Investor
  • "Win Consistently in a Volatile Stock Market" 
    Sean Seah & Cayden Chang - Masters of Value Investing 
  • "Building Wealth and Financial Freedom Through Property" -
    Dr. Rohan Weerasinghe & Matthew Snedden - Global Property Investment Strategists and Mentors
  • "Create Your Personal Online ATM Machine"
    Ewen Chia - World's #1 Performer in Internet Affiliate Marketing
  • "Forex Your Way to Freedom"
    Marcus De Maria - 
    Internationally Acclaimed Wealth Creation Expert

Personal Growth

  • "Hungry for Opportunity" 
    Les Brown - World's Leading Motivational Speaker
  • "Pursuing Success or Just Running in Circles?" 
    Robert Riopel - World Class Trainer and Success Coach
  • "Self-leadership as a Strategy for Success" 
    Andrew Bryant - Self Leadership Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker


National Achievers Congress (NAC) 2013 (Singapore) details are as shown below:

VENUESingapore Expo, Hall 3A
10th May, Friday        8:30am – 8:00pm
11th May, Saturday   8:30am – 8:00pm
12th May, Sunday      8:30am – 8:00pm
*The schedule is approximate and may differ from the above.
Friday 10th May – Registration Starts at 7:00am
Every participant MUST register on site. The program will start promptly at 08:30am on Friday. This is a extremely popular course, and we anticipate a full house. Ensure you arrive early to check in and get a good seat. Latecomers will be admitted at the first suitable break in the program.
An E-ticket will be sent to you once you have confirmed your attendance.
The ticket is the property of Success Resources Pte Ltd and must be returned upon request. Access to the seminar is subject to organiser's Terms and Conditions. This ticket is fully transferable to a nominated new attendee with written notice to the organiser, 14 days before the event date. However the ticket may be revoked by the organiser at any time without notice.
ADMISSIONAdmission to the program is strictly upon presentation of Entry ticket/E-Admission ticket only. Please print and present your E-ticket at the registration counter.
A wristband will be issued during registration and is required for admission to the room.
*Please retain your wristband for the 3 days program. A replacement fee of S$20.00 will be imposed for replacement of any lost wristband.
The Seating Category printed on your tickets indicates your seating section. Free seating applies only within your seating category.
ATTIREBusiness wear or smart casual. Please dress comfortably, making sure you bring a sweater to each session, as the temperature in the conference facilities can fluctuate.
Name Cards for net-working and drinking bottle. Must be bottled or capped, no open containers are permitted inside the seminar room.
RECORDING / TAPINGThe right of recording/taping is reserved. No taping or recording of the sessions is allowed.
There will be lunch & dinner breaks. Food will not be provided.
The speakers are committed to deliver the training in its entirety at the highest level. Therefore, the timing for all breaks may be irregular. You are advised to bring your own snacks should your medical conditions require. You may purchase food from the various outlets at the venue.
PRODUCTNational Achievers Congress Speakers will have various products available for sale during the Event. Only Cash, NETS and Credit Cards are accepted.

Pan Pacific Marina, Singapore 7 Raffles Blvd, Marina Square Singapore 039595 Official
Telephone: +65 6336 8111
Hotel Contact Person:
Name : Sasithorn Kanwisit (Sasi)
Tel : +65 6505 5774
Mobile : +65 9337 6691
Email :
Distance to Event Venue approx 17.5km -17mins driv
For other hotel information you may book via
By Car 
Situated at the crossroads of three main expressways – East Coast Parkway, Pan Island Expressway and Tampines Expressway, EXPO is a mere fifteen-minute drive from Central Business District (CBD) and a five-minute ride to Changi International Airport.
By Taxi 
A taxi stand is located next to Hall 6 for your convenience. Another one will be situated at Max Atria.
By Train 
EXPO has a dedicated Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) station, located next to Hall 6. Station name: CG1, EXPO Trains arrive early five-minutes from Changi International Airport and Tanah Merah MRT station while it takes about fifteen minutes from the city location.
First two hour or part thereof S$ 3.20
Subsequent half hourly S$ 1.50
Maximum Daily Charges S$ 20.00
Season parking* – per day (Min. 4days) S$ 20.00 
*Not applicable for heavy vehicles and buses.
Singapore Expo has 16 food and beverage outlets, collectively known as Flavours East @ Singapore Expo, offers a palette of diverse cuisines including Chinese, Indian, International, and Thai, that will surely tantalise every discerning taste bud. It also includes automated teller machines (ATMs), a fully furnished Business centre, a licenses money changer, Wi-Fi and a massive 2,500-lot carpark.